
Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Current Band Biography:

Like most good things, Fabian's Children was conceived in a bedroom -- the brainchild of a struggling actor and an electro producer (album available as an import from France). The question posed was this: What would happen if Motley Crue and Soft Cell joined forces and used their powers for good? The answer: The enclosed CD. Of course, actor and producer can't go it alone, thus a blues guitarist was brought in to reclaim his metal roots. All in all, a trio that Fabian himself would be proud of -- as all mortals should be...


Monday, February 09, 2004

Man, I miss one day of work and there's just a rediculous amount of links to catch up on. This might be the choicest of them all.

Your Next President

All American Idol fans need to check this site out immediately.

It's official: You're a metrosexual. The next girl you hook up with will be more masculine than you, full mustache and all. Is it time to buy new tweezers?


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